Misinformation and lies about electric cars and ANY effort to move away from burning fossil fuels for our energy needs is rife. The issue with #EVFires is that there’s worry that even though electric cars are massively, massively less likely to catch fire than petrol or diesel cars, when they do, they’re harder to put out, which is fair enough. But it’s much less likely to happen in the first place. So major misinformation there being told that it’s because the battery will react with the metal car park. There’s just so much misinformation about electric cars and obviously it’s clear why; because the fossil fuel industry have spent billions and billions and billions, they want to still have people buy their products. They don’t want billions of dollars worth of stranded assets with oil refineries and oil rigs and all that around the world. So it’s clear to see why they’re doing it.
#electricars #evfires #evfire #fossilfuels